Sports badge

The German Sports Badge is an award of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). It is the highest honour outside of competitive sport and is awarded as an achievement badge for above-average and versatile physical performance. The performances to be achieved are based on the basic motor skills of endurance, strength, speed and coordination. One exercise from each of these groups must be successfully completed (bronze level). Proof of swimming ability is a necessary prerequisite for obtaining the German Sports Badge.

Sports requirements and documents (e.g. test cards) as well as further information can also be found at


Hier können Sie die Prüfung zum DSA ablegen. Beachten Sie die in der jeweiligen Beschreibung aufgeführten Disziplinen, die dort angeboten werden.

Athletics and apparatus gymnastics

Preparation and acceptance of the German Sports Badge from May to October at the following Recklinghausen sports facilities for athletics and in the Westfalenstr. sports hall for apparatus gymnastics:

18:00 – 20:00, Hohenhorst stadium, Am Stadion 1, 45659 Recklinghausen

Recklinghausen Athletics Club
Mr Bernd Wellhöner, Tel.: 0173-4938926

17:30 – 19:30, Sportpark Maybacher Heide, Lucia Grewe-Str. 15-19, 45659 Recklinghausen

Mrs Sandra Brauckmann, e-mail:
Mr Nils Klunkat, e-mail:

19:30 – 21:00 (only during the summer holidays), Sportpark Maybacher Heide, Lucia-Grewe-Str. 15 – 19, 45659 Recklinghausen

Mr Jürgen Jordan, phone: 0178-6343460, e-mail:

18:00 – 19:30, Sportpark Maybacher Heide, Lucia-Grewe-Str. 15 – 19, 45659 Recklinghausen

Fit from 50
Mrs Ollesch, telephone: 02361 – 42143

18:00 – 20:00, Lülfstraße sports ground, Lülfstr. 71, 45665 Recklinghausen

SG Suderwich
Mr Martin Nomann, phone: 02361 – 87700, e-mail:

Gymnastics department:

Sports hall Westfalenstr. 195, 45661 Recklinghausen, SC Preußen Hochlarmark

Mrs Jennifer Hiltrop, phone: 02361 – 4908092, e-mail:

Sportpark Maybacher Heide, Lucia-Grewe-Straße 15 – 19, 45659 Recklinghausen

Telephone: 02361 – 1063378, e-mail:

Mr Hans Joachim Schlüter, telephone: 0157 – 36777123, e-mail:


Proof of swimming ability can be obtained in any public swimming pool in the town of Recklinghausen from the pool management there.

Indoor swimming pool Herner Straße 160, 45659 Recklinghausen Hillerheide
Südbad, Pappelallee 50, 45663 Recklinghausen Süd

Acceptance in walking and Nordic walking

Acceptance of the cycling disciplines of the German Sports Badge

Many people associate the German Sports Badge with athletics. In other words: sprinting, endurance running, shot put and long jump as well as swimming over a period of at least 15 minutes. Many people interested in sport can also obtain this highest honour outside of competitive sport through other achievements. Different sporting disciplines are offered in each of the four areas to be completed – endurance, strength, speed and coordination. Those who prefer cycling to running laps in the stadium can cover speed with a 200 m bike sprint and endurance over a 20 km distance.

SSV Recklinghausen dates to be announced

People with disabilities can also take the German Sports Badge

Information and conditions for the sports badge for people with disabilities can be found at <= click here

Sports badge organiser